Wear Your Pajamas to the Opera! Bring the whole family to one of the most creative and delightful operas you’ll ever see, The Little Prince, on February 15 and 17. Featuring Will Liverman as the Pilot, Dante Michael DiMaio as the Prince, and Tulsa native...
New Friends. Good Food. Fabulous Show. Come have some fun at Friends’ Night at the Opera where new friends are made over a heavenly Italian meal! This engaging event takes place 5pm Friday, February 15, at Tavolo Italian Bistro immediately preceding the show. Enjoy a...
This is the season to thank each of you for your patience and support, especially during this challenging year. October saw one of the few live opera productions in America when your Tulsa Opera presented Verdi’s “Rigoletto” at OneOK Field. And 2021 brings the promise...
“This story is absolutely beautiful.” This season, Tulsa Opera welcomes back Jana McIntyre to perform the role of The Water in The Little Prince. Jana calls this inspiring opera “an imagination piece” that will “spark creativity in its...
Free performance this Sunday! Please join us Sunday, December 16 at 3:00 PM for a Tulsa Youth Opera production of Amahl and the Night Visitors. The beautiful holiday classic will be performed by members of Tulsa Youth Opera at First Lutheran Church at 1244 South...