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Support Tulsa Opera and enjoy intimate performances by our stage stars.
President’s Council Members
Founded by R. Thomas Seymour, President’s Council provides Tulsa Opera financial strength to promote artistic excellence. It convenes three times annually for elegant evenings featuring intimate performances of opera stars.
*indicates lifetime membership
Mrs. Thomas L. Ashcraft*
Mr. Austin Birnie & Mrs. Alison Lamb Birnie
Mr. & Mrs. Rolf Blom
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Brennan
Mr. John Brock*
Mr. Timothy Cargile
Mr. Isaac Causey & Mrs. Ceretha Terrell-Causey
Ms. Kate Davis & Mr. Mike McCue
Mrs. Donna Reynolds-Diggdon
Mr. Frederic Dorwart
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Duenner*
Mrs. Norman L. Dunitz*
Dr. & Mrs. Scott Dunitz
Mr. & Mrs. Scott H. Filstrup
Mrs. John C. Fischer (Natalie)*
Mr. Ronald R. & Mrs. Barbara Glass
Mrs. Jane Grimshaw
Dr. Rodney S. Hanley & Sara Gunhus-Hanley
Mr. & Mrs. Hans Helmerich*
Mrs. Peggy Helmerich*
Mrs. Anna Norberg Kestner
Mr. Kelly Kirby & Mr. Rodney Benham
Ms. Hilary Kitz*
Mrs. Frank Letcher*
Mrs. Rita Levit*
Dr. & Mrs. Christian Lussenhop
Mr. Clint & Mrs. Christine McQueen
Mrs. Kay Miller
Mrs. Herbert J. Miller*
Mrs. Robert Millspaugh
Ms. Tara O’Mahony
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Palmieri
Mr. Leonard & Mrs. Kathleen Pataki
Mr. Mike Pate & Mrs. Marcia Heronemus-Pate
Mr. & Mrs. J. Ronald Petrikin
Dr. David & Dr. Megan Bialas-Potts
Mrs. Elizabeth Rainey
Dr. Rollie Rhodes
Mrs. Jerald M. Schuman*
Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Seay, III
Hon. Stephanie Seymour*
Mrs. Jane Sneed
Dr. & Mrs. Frederic Stearns
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Stoesser*
Mrs. Janet Stucky
Mrs. David Sylvan (Barbara)
Mr. Roy M. “Skip” Teel, Jr.
Mr. Peter Walter*
Mr. & Mrs. H. Steve Walton
Mrs. Cayce Wendeborn
Mr. Wally & Mrs. Bobbie Whaling
Mrs. Mollie Williford*
Mr. Martin Wing
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Witt
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Woodard III
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Young